Quotation Explorer - 'Mary Tornyenyor'

Since when did Christians started fearing ghost, witches and wizards, demons, sicknesses and Death ? Don't you get it? these things are far below you. What did Jesus die for ? ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR YOUR GOOD - Mary Tornyenyor
Sin is that God said something and i don't think so. Sin is to be conceived with my own ideas. Sin is that i see it my way and not God's way.Sin is my own Ideas. Sin is Unbelieve - Mary Tornyenyor
But wait ooo ....Alcohol(Outings & Fashion), Women/Men, Money, Thats all about it.you call this fun ? These don't satisfy ME and you both know how you feel when you are alone. IT STINKSJESUS SATISFIES, NOT CHURCH. - Mary Tornyenyor
The Devil loves it when we point fingers at Rome/ other Denominations and forget our very church. ''SELF''. while i scrutinize the Pope and his deeds. Let me trim my lamp. let me wash my robe. let me sweep my house being fully ready for my Lord's coming - Mary Tornyenyor
Flame itself is something that produces light via a chemical reaction, its not an opaque object unless its a very sooty flame.May i not have sooth in me Lord. MAY I BE A LIGHT WHEREVER I BE - Mary Tornyenyor
Well we both know there're some men who wish it was not women who came to tell that Jesus was risen. hehehe - Mary Tornyenyor
The Christianity you are struggling with. The one you treat with contempt. Some of us are enjoying it BIG TIME !Don't relax Laaaaa.......Strive and pray for the Holy Ghost - Mary Tornyenyor
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